Flowers Bread Route For Sale
Titusville, FloridaThis route has 19 accounts and delivers to popular grocery stores, retail stores, and restaurants. The current owner services this route using a 2016 Isuzu NPR Box Truck that is included with the purchase and has an assumable lease...
Flowers Bread Route For Sale
Calera, AlabamaTo summarize, you will start your day by picking up your bread order from the warehouse and then proceed to sell and deliver product to existing accounts that include popular grocery stores, variety stores, restaurants, and gas stations, usually star...
Greater Cincinnati Sports Bar and Restaurant
Cincinnati, OhioAvailable for purchase is a well-established Greater Cincinnati bar in a busy neighborhood. Both food and drink options. Great location close to highway and residential areas. Well established bar and restaurant....
Tastykake Route For Sale in Central Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Central Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaThe current owner services this route using a 2018 Chevy box truck that is available to purchase as a separate transaction. ...
Martin’s Potato Bread Route For Sale – Carroll & Coweta Counties, Georgia
Carroll & Coweta Counties, GeorgiaCurrently this route averages $536,276 a year in sales and grosses $128,706 per year in commission. Income documentation will be provided to all serious buyers....
Flowers Bread Route For Sale
Tulsa, OklahomaThis route has 21 accounts and delivers to popular grocery stores, restaurants, and variety stores. The current owner services this route using a 2009 Isuzu NPR Box Truck (165k miles) that is included in the sale. Estimated value is $17,000.Owner is ...