2 Businesses found

14 accounts

Brownberry Bread Route For Sale

Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Asking Price $150,000
Yearly sales: $422,188
Cash flow: 77,309
Financing available

Included in the purchase is a 2005 GMC Savana truck. Estimated value is $5,000 The seller owns multiple routes and is downsizing....


Brownberry Bread Route For Sale

Ann Arbor, Michigan
Asking Price $215,000
Yearly sales: $656,916
Cash Flow: $123,500

This route has 10 accounts and delivers to popular grocery stores and variety stores. Current owner is able to service this route in 4 days per week, The owner is purchasing another route closer to home...

Brownberry Bread Route For Sale


Route details

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Asking Price $150,000


Included in the purchase is a 2005 GMC Savana truck. Estimated value is $5,000 The seller owns multiple routes and is downsizing.

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