376 Businesses found

Truck included

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale

Eugene, Oregon
Asking Price $120,000
Yearly gross: $658,112
Cash Flow: $96,327
Financing: No

This route currently has 7 accounts delivering to popular grocery stores and markets, The current owner works 6 days per week (6am-2pm) taking Sunday off. Early morning hours are required, Owner is relocating out of the area....

7 accounts

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale

St. Louis, Bridgeton, Missouri
Asking Price $65,000
Yearly sales: $353,027
Cash flow: $59,326

The owner is pursuing other business opportunities. Current owner has owned a route through Mission Foods for 1.5 years....

17 accounts

Flowers Bread Route For Sale

Sumter, South Carolina
Asking Price $154,000
Yearly sales: $666,440
Cash flow: $101,244
Financing available

The current owner has owned this route and territory for 7 years. The owner is pursuing other opportunities....

Full-Service Grocery Store

Asking Price $2,400,000
Total Revenue: 4,484,045

Offered for sale is a full-service grocery store. Located in a rural area, The Company has decades of successful operation and increased profits. The business and property are both included in the sale and must be purchased together. ...

Fisherman’s Delight

South USA
Asking Price $695,000
Total Sales: $290,000
Cash Flow: $111,000
FFE: $1,000,000

Chandeleur Islander Fishing Lodge Situated on a platform out in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of MS and LA......

FedEx Ground Routes For Sale

Northwest New York
Asking Price $1,250,000
Ect. Grosses $1,362,433 per year
Cash Flow: $265,485

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net. With an estimated gross of $1,362,433 per year and a healthy cash flow of $265,485, it promises a lucrative opportunity. The sale includes 13 ISP compliant routes along with 13 vehicles, ensurin...

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale


Route details

Here's how the route details align with your preferences.

Asking Price $120,000
Ect. Grosses $1,362,433 per year
Cash Flow: $265,485


This route currently has 7 accounts delivering to popular grocery stores and markets, The current owner works 6 days per week (6am-2pm) taking Sunday off. Early morning hours are required, Owner is relocating out of the area.

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