389 Businesses found

Second Generation New & Used RV Dealership with Parts & Service Center for Sale

Asking Price : Contact Broker
Revenue: $5,600,000
Est. EBITDA: $315,000

The Company is one of the largest and best-equipped RV retail and service centers in its state. It offers a wide variety of exceptional new and pre-owned recreational products at competitive prices including Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, and Toy Haule...

Tastykake Route For Sale

Frederick, Eldersburg, Maryland
Asking Price $183,000
Yearly gross: $526,396
Cash flow: $82,108
Financing: Yes

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net. With a yearly gross of $526,396 and a cash flow of $82,108, this opportunity demonstrates solid financial performance. Financing is available for interested buyers. The territory is protected, f...

70 accounts

Utz Chips Routes Distributorship For Sale

Baldwin County, Alabama
Asking Price $160,000
Yearly sales: $585,104
Cash flow: $92,581

Seller currently distributes well-known brands of Good Health, Bachman Pretzels, On the Border, Golden Flake, Zapp’s, Boulder Canyon, Utz potato chips, popcorn, pretzels, and much more! ...

Full-Service Grocery Store

Asking Price $2,400,000
Total Revenue: 4,484,045

Offered for sale is a full-service grocery store. Located in a rural area, The Company has decades of successful operation and increased profits. The business and property are both included in the sale and must be purchased together. ...

Used Auto Sales and Repair Dealership Located in NW Iowa for Sale

Asking Price $1,200,000
Annual Sales: $3,780,000
EBITDA: $349,000

The Company carries a wide variety of used automobiles with price ranges from $3,000 to $30,000 based on make, model, type, and features. The Company also has a full service shop that handles a wide range of maintenance and repairs that make up appro...

55 accounts

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Panama City, Florida
Asking Price $110,000
Yearly sales: $312,520
Cash flow: $50,700
Financing available

The seller uses a 16′ enclosed trailer that is available as a separate purchase. Estimated value is $5,500....

Second Generation New & Used RV Dealership with Parts & Service Center for Sale

Marigold Resources

Route details

Here's how the route details align with your preferences.

Asking Price : Contact Broker


The Company is one of the largest and best-equipped RV retail and service centers in its state. It offers a wide variety of exceptional new and pre-owned recreational products at competitive prices including Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, and Toy Haulers.

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