Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale
Santa Clarita, CaliforniaIncluded in the purchase is a 2000 Ford 350 Box Truck. Estimated value is $5,000. The current owner typically works 5am to 11am, 6 days per week, with Sunday off....
Salted Snacks Route For Sale
Polk County, FloridaSalted Snacks Route for sale, This route has 111 accounts delivering to popular convenience stores, markets and gas stations, and distributes well-known brands of Stone Creek Nuts, Stone Creek Candy, Lee Cracklins. A truck is included…...
Snyder’s-Lance Chip Route For Sale
Warrenton, VirginiaThis business, listed by Routesforsale.net, boasts a yearly gross of $385,008, generating a cash flow of $48,184. Financing options are available for potential buyers. The territory is protected and encompasses 5 accounts. Markup is set at 15.5% of n...
ATM Machine Route For Sale
Manhattan, New YorkATM Machine Route business for sale in the Manhattan, New York area for $125,000! Current net income is $48,732 per year as an owner/operator. The business currently operates 3 ATM machines placed outside restaurants and a medical office with 24 hour...
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale
Houston, TexasThis route for sale is listed by RoutesForSale.net, offering an Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route distributorship in the Houston, Texas area for $327,000, with company financing available requiring $146,000 down. Grossing an estimated $870,428 per year in s...
Martin’s Potato Bread Route For Sale
Alpharetta, GeorgiaDistributor works 5 days per week (approx. 40 hours) with Wednesday and Sunday off, To summarize, you will start your day by picking up your bread order from the warehouse and then proceed to deliver product to existing accounts that include grocery ...