362 Businesses found

54 Accounts

Tastykake Route For Sale

Northwest Washington, D.C.
Asking Price $75,000
Yearly sales: $439,764
Cash flow: $67,496

The current owner has owned this route and territory for 4 years, As an independent distributor you are paid by commission. This route currently receives an average of 18% of its gross weekly sales of $8,457 ($1,522 per week)...

19 accounts

Martin’s Potato Bread Route For Sale

Roswell, Georgia
Asking Price $185,000
Yearly sales: $418,903
Cash flow: $89,252
Vehicle included

Distributor works 5 days per week (approx. 40 hours) with Wednesday and Sunday off, To summarize, you will start your day by picking up your bread order from the warehouse and then proceed to deliver product to existing accounts that include grocery ...

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale

Carrollton, Texas
Asking Price $89,000
Yearly gross: $455,968
Cash Flow: $63,007
Financing: No

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net, presenting a yearly gross of $455,968 and a cash flow of $63,007. The territory is protected and encompasses 6 accounts, with a markup of 16% of its gross. Additionally, the purchase includes a ...

FedEx Ground Routes For Sale

Covington, Louisiana
Asking Price $785,000
Gross: $1,389,750
Cash flow: $210,567

This route for sale is listed by RoutesForSale.net, presenting FedEx Ground Routes in Covington, Louisiana, priced at $785,000. With $1,389,750 in annual gross and $210,567 net income, the package includes 7 Ground routes, 15 vehicles, and 11 transfe...

33 accounts

Tastykake Route For Sale

East Baltimore, Maryland
Asking Price $135,000
Yearly sales: $513,812
Cash flow: $81,172
Vehicle: 2013 Ford E350 step van

$1,779 per week is the route's gross weekly average! This number can be increased, by supporting the company’s promotions and upselling within your designated territory. Route values can also be increased by new account openings, new product lines ...

17 Accounts

Utz Chip & Pretzel Route Distributorship For Sale

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
Asking Price $108,000
Yearly sales: $376,609
Cash flow: $61,776
Vehicle: 2011 Ford Step Van (156k miles)

As an independent distributor you are paid by commission. This route currently receives an average of 18.75% of its gross weekly sales of $7,242 ($1,358 per week)....

Tastykake Route For Sale


Route details

Here's how the route details align with your preferences.

Asking Price $75,000


The current owner has owned this route and territory for 4 years, As an independent distributor you are paid by commission. This route currently receives an average of 18% of its gross weekly sales of $8,457 ($1,522 per week)

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