362 Businesses found

16 accounts

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale

West Palm Beach, Florida
Asking Price $145,000
Yearly sales: $465,029
Cash flow: $76,856

Current owner has owned a route through Mission Foods for 9 years....

9 accounts

Pepperidge Farm Bread Route Distributorship For Sale

New Port Richey, Florida
Asking Price $235,000
Yearly sales: $453,440
Cash flow: $84,292
Financing available

The current distributor works as needed to service customers. Distributor currently services accounts 3am – 11am, 4 days a week, taking Wednesday, Friday and Sunday off. ...

8 accounts

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale

Gonzales, DeWitt, Lavaca Counties, Texas
Asking Price $75,000
Yearly sales: $456,146
Cash flow: $81,898

The current owner works 5am – 12pm Monday through Saturday, taking Sunday off. Early morning hours are required, Owner is pursuing other opportunities....

5 day route

Bon Appetit Pastry Route For Sale

Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Asking Price $135,000

Well-established route with 70 accounts including gas stations, Current owner services accounts 5 days a week taking Saturday and Sunday off. Owner is looking to relocate from the area...

63 accounts

Utz Chips Route Distributorship For Sale

Jennings, Louisiana
Asking Price $55,000
Yearly sales: $234,751
Cash flow: $33,030
Financing available

$903 per week is the routes weekly average! This number can be increased, by supporting the company’s promotions and up selling within your designated territory...

Campbell’s Snacks Route For Sale

Southeast San Antonio, Texas
Asking Price $386,000
Yearly gross : $528,164
Cash flow: $80,350
Financing: Yes

This route has 11 grocery store and variety store accountsThe current distributor works as needed to service customers. They currently work 5 days per week Monday through Friday. New buyers may be required to submit a business plan outlining service ...

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale


Route details

Here's how the route details align with your preferences.

Asking Price $145,000


Current owner has owned a route through Mission Foods for 9 years.

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