383 Businesses found

Transportation & Hauling Company For Sale

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Asking Price $195,000
Yearly gross: $132,934
Cash flow: $52,142

The current owner services this business using a 2016 Freightliner Cascadia Day Cab and a 2008 Trailmobile 53′ Dry Van Trailer. The current owner operates 4 days a week, daytime hours with weekends off......

7 accounts

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale

St. Louis, Bridgeton, Missouri
Asking Price $65,000
Yearly sales: $353,027
Cash flow: $59,326

The owner is pursuing other business opportunities. Current owner has owned a route through Mission Foods for 1.5 years....

3 accounts

Oroweat and Mrs. Baird’s Bread Route For Sale

San Antonio, Texas
Asking Price $230,000
Yearly sales: $703,820
Cash flow: $108,781
Financing available

Distributors working hours are based on what is required to meet customer demand. Early morning hours are required....

20 accounts

Flowers Bread Route For Sale – Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia
Asking Price $299,999
Yearly sales: $1,038,398
Cash flow: $184,548

To summarize, you will start your day by picking up your bread order from the warehouse and then proceed to sell and deliver product to existing accounts that include popular grocery stores, variety stores, restaurants, and gas stations, usually star...

21 accounts

Flowers Bread Route For Sale

Coos County, New Hampshire
Asking Price $100,000
Yearly sales: $773,448
Cash flow: $119,184
Financing: Yes

This route has 21 accounts and delivers to popular grocery stores and a prison, A 2018 Ford E450 Box Truck (23,000 miles) That is included in the purchase and has an assumable lease....

Bon Appetit Pastry Route For Sale

Sarasota, Florida
Asking Price $120,000
Est. Gross $94,744 per year
Cash Flow: $78,052

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net. With an estimated gross of $94,744 per year and a cash flow of $78,052 annually, this opportunity offers steady returns. The route averages 4,555 units per week, with a markup of $0.40 per unit ...

Transportation & Hauling Company For Sale


Route details

Here's how the route details align with your preferences.

Asking Price $195,000
Est. Gross $94,744 per year
Cash Flow: $78,052


The current owner services this business using a 2016 Freightliner Cascadia Day Cab and a 2008 Trailmobile 53′ Dry Van Trailer. The current owner operates 4 days a week, daytime hours with weekends off...

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