6 Businesses found

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
Asking Price $279,000
Yearly gross: $890,656
Cash flow: $147,524
Financing: Yes
Vehicle included

Route currently has 7 accounts delivering to grocery stores, schools, and institutions, the company will finance roughly $195,000 for 10 years, at an approximate interest rate of 9.5% with good credit and 10.5% with bad credit, Distributorship and ...

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Phoenix, Arizona
Asking Price $210,000
Est. $593,996 gross per year
Est. Net $81,271 Per year
Financing: Yes

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net. With an estimated gross of $593,996 per year and a net income of $81,271 annually, this opportunity promises substantial financial rewards. Financing is available, and the commission-based struc...

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Falls Church, Virginia
Asking Price $165,000
Est, $377,728 GPY
Nets $48,911 per year
Financing is available

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net. With an estimated gross profit of $377,728 per year and a net income of $48,911 annually, this opportunity presents solid potential for profitability. Financing options are available for interes...


Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Middletown, Connecticut
Asking Price $90,000
Est. $287,456 / GPY
Nets $44,306 per year
Financing available
Yearly sales: $287,456
Cash flow: $44,306

Route currently has 18 accounts delivering to grocery stores, markets, schools, and a restaurant, Current owner works 5 days a week starting at 4.30 am, with Wednesday and Sunday off....

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Russell Springs, Kentucky
Asking Price $85,000
Est. $343,772 per year in sales
Nets $38,116 per year
Financing: Yes

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net. With an estimated annual sales figure of $343,772 and a net profit of $38,116, this opportunity presents a solid investment. Financing options are available for prospective buyers. The commissio...

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Asking Price $241,000
Est. $628,732 per year in sales
Nets $104,095 per year
Financing: Yes

This business for sale is offered by Routesforsale.net. With an estimated annual sales of $628,732 and a net income of $104,095, this opportunity promises significant returns. Financing options are available for interested buyers. The commission-base...

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale


Route details

Here's how the route details align with your preferences.

Asking Price $279,000
Est. $628,732 per year in sales
Nets $104,095 per year
Financing: Yes


Route currently has 7 accounts delivering to grocery stores, schools, and institutions, the company will finance roughly $195,000 for 10 years, at an approximate interest rate of 9.5% with good credit and 10.5% with bad credit, Distributorship and “protected territory” are purchased through independent distributor and contracted through Bimbo Bakery.

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