18 Businesses found

12 accounts

Flowers Bread Route For Sale

Toledo, Ohio
Asking Price $120,000
Yearly gross: $650,973
Cash flow: $78,716
Financing: Yes

Company related financing available with an estimated $62,000 down), you will start your day by picking up your bread order from the warehouse and then proceed to sell and deliver product to existing accounts that include popular grocery stores and c...

11 accounts

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale

Columbus, Ohio
Asking Price $86,200
Yearly sales: $373,527
Cash flow: $68,048

The owner is splitting a large route. Current owner has owned this route through Mission Foods 11 years....

12 accounts

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale – Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati, Ohio
Asking Price $155,000
Yearly sales: $667,576
Cash flow: $116,875

The current owner works 5 days per week (4am-12pm), taking Wednesday and Sunday off. Early morning hours are required....

14 accounts

Mission’s Tortilla Route For Sale – Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati, Ohio
Asking Price $145,000
Yearly sales: $622,076
Cash flow: $106,496

To summarize, you will deliver product to existing accounts that includes supermarkets usually starting in the morning hours. Your responsibilities will include the following: evaluating and creating an order of product needed for the shelf, pull the...

7 accounts

Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route For Sale

Whitehall, Ohio
Asking Price $368,000
Yearly sales: 863,252
Cash flow: $162,812

To summarize, you will start your day by picking up your bread order from the warehouse and then proceed to deliver product to existing accounts that include grocery stores usually starting in the morning hours. Your responsibilities will include the...

13 accounts

Flowers Bread Route For Sale

Montgomery, Ohio
Asking Price $149,000
Yearly sales: $736,892
Cash flow: $132,288
Financing available

The current distributor services this route using a 2012 Isuzu NPR Truck that is available to purchase as a separate transaction....

Flowers Bread Route For Sale


Route details

Here's how the route details align with your preferences.

Asking Price $120,000


Company related financing available with an estimated $62,000 down), you will start your day by picking up your bread order from the warehouse and then proceed to sell and deliver product to existing accounts that include popular grocery stores and convenience stores usually starting in the morning hours. Your responsibilities will include the following: evaluating

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